Alex Onchwari

Alex Onchwari (C) Tusker FC

Alex Onchwari joins Tusker FC

Last Updated: July 29, 2024By 184 words0.9 min read

FKF Premier League side Tusker FC has announced the acquisition of defender Alex Onchwari from relegated second-tier side Muhoroni Youth.
Onchwari a former Zoo FC Center-back, speaking to the club’s portal, expressed his excitement for joining the twelve-times champions.

“I am honored to be part of Tusker FC, a club with such a rich history and strong ambitions for the future. I look forward to contributing to the team’s success and working alongside side talented group of players and coaching staff” Onchwari said.

The defender becomes the fifth player to join Ruaraka based after Eric Balecho from Murang’a Seal, Jacob Onyango from Sofapaka, Thomas Omole from Vihiga Bullets, and Dennis Wanjala from Nairobi City Stars.

In addition, Tusker FC Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Sam Nzau outlined the reasons why they signed the  Onchwari.

“His impressive performance at Muhoroni Youth and his dedicated to the game align perfectly with our vision for the club, we are confident that Alex’s skills and experience will play a crucial role in our pursuit of the new season” Nzau told Tusker media team.

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